Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Scholastic Fantastic!

Ok so 'fess up am I the only nerd who remembers the Scholastic book club from primary school days?

Guess what Bella brought home today? Not 1, not 2 but 4 Scholastic book club brochures! Yee haa I'm in heaven. Can't wait to place my first, erm. I mean Isabella's first order!

Michael is away with work for a couple of nights and tonight when he called Isabella excitedly told him about her day at school. "We played basketball at afterschool care!"

Tahlia's conversation consisted of "Elmo" - not sure what Michael was talking to her about but that is stock standard telephone conversation at the moment from Tarls, who incidently insists on a "hello" anytime we are on the phone.

On the subject of Tahlia - I'm very excited to announce she did 2 wee's on the toilet at kindy today. Still waiting for her to wee at home though. She is so cute, she'll strip off, pull the little step into the toilet, back herself onto the toilet and sit there with a grin on her face saying "Pshhh" (which is a wee wee noise in case you didn't know!). Then she'll get some toilet paper (that part requires supervision!) and go and wash her hands. Ah well she knows the actions I guess!

And finally a couple of princess photos. The first is Tahlia who was dancing to the Dorothy the Dinosaur DVD that Grandpa and Nonna gave her for Christmas in her pink Dorothy tutu. The second is Isabella in her 'sports' uniform.

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